NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 7 – Diversity in Living Organisms

According to the NCERT Syllabus 2023-24, this chapter was removed.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 7 at BYJU’S is a reference guide containing the answers to the questions given in the textbook exercise and also other questions for practice. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 7 – Diversity in Living Organisms is a very important chapter from the examination point of view. All the chapters on Plant and Animal Kingdom are dependent on students’ understanding of Diversity in Living Organisms. Therefore, a thorough understanding of this chapter is crucial for scoring good marks in Science subject.

Class 9 Science Chapter 7 Exercise – 7.1 Questions with Answer Page: 80

Q1. Why do we classify organisms?


By classifying organisms, it is easier and more convenient to study their characteristics. Similarities exhibited by various entities allow us to categorise different entities into a class and hence, study the group as a whole.

Q2. Give three examples of the range of variations that you see in life forms around you.


Listed below are a few ranges of variations observed in life forms:

(a) Small frog to big whale

(b) Creeper to the eucalyptus tree

(c) Black cuckoo to colourful peacock

Class 9 Science Chapter 7 Exercise-7.1 Questions with Answers

Q3. Which of the following do you think is a more basic characteristic for classifying organisms?

(a) The place where they live.

(b) The kind of cells they are made of. Why?


The most basic classification of organisms should be established on the kind of cells they are made up of. This is because the habitat can have species with different characteristics living harmoniously, whereas the entities with similar cell arrangements will exhibit equivalent characteristics.

Q4. What is the primary characteristic on which the broad division of organisms is made?


The basic characteristic on which organisms are primarily divided is the nature of cells. It is broadly classified as prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells, which furthermore is classified into subclasses.

Q5. On what basis are plants and animals put into different categories?


The following is the basis for the categorisation of plants and animals:

(a) The most fundamental consideration of classification is the presence and absence of a cell wall.

(b) The next important criterion is the mode of nutrition. The mechanism through which entities acquire their nutrients is used as the base for classification.

Class 9 Science Chapter 7 Exercise-7.2 Questions with Answers

Q6. Which organisms are called primitive, and how are they different from the so-called advanced organisms?


Primitive organisms are the organisms that exhibit a very simple and basic cell arrangement, mechanism and structure and no division of labour is observed. Advanced organisms, on the other hand, are organisms possessing millions of cells that are grouped into various organs performing different functions, such as mammals.

Q7. Will advanced organisms be the same as complex organisms? Why?


Yes, complex organisms are the same as advanced organisms. The consequence of advancement leads to multiple cell arrangements that operate uniquely.

Class 9 Science Chapter 7 Exercise-7.3 Questions with Answers

Q8. What is the criterion for the classification of organisms as belonging to the kingdom Monera or Protista?


One of the most significant differences in classification is the development of the nucleus. The ones with no nuclear membranes are defined to be Monera, while the ones that have well-defined nuclei walls are Protista.

Q9. In which kingdom will you place an organism which is single-celled, eukaryotic and photosynthetic?


Since the cell is photosynthetic, it must have a well-defined nucleus wall. Therefore, it needs to be placed in the Protista kingdom.

Q10. In the hierarchy of classification, which grouping will have the smallest number of organisms with maximum common characteristics and which will have the largest number of organisms?


(a) The organisms belonging to the Kingdom Monera will have the smallest number of organisms and with maximum characteristics in common.

(b) The organisms belonging to the Kingdom Animalia will have the largest number of organisms.

Class 9 Science Chapter 7 Exercise-7.4 Questions with Answers

Q11. Which division among plants has the simplest organisms?


Algae or Thallophyta has the simplest organism among plants.

Q12. How are pteridophytes different from phanerogams?


The following are the differences between pteridophytes and phanerogams:

They possess a naked embryoThey possess a covered embryo
Exhibit unclear reproductive organExhibit well-defined reproductive organ

Q13. How do gymnosperms and angiosperms differ from each other?


In gymnosperms, the seeds are naked, while in angiosperms, the seeds are covered.

Class 9 Science Chapter 7 Exercise-7.5  Questions with Answers

Q14. How do poriferan animals differ from coelenterate animals?


Listed below are the differences between poriferan and coelenterate animals:

Division of labour is not noticedDivision of labour is observed
The cellular level of the organisation exhibitedThe tissue level of the organisation exhibited
Coelom absentCoelom present

Q15. How do annelid animals differ from arthropods?


Listed below are the differences between annelid and arthropods:

The entire body is segmented into ringsSegmentation of the body into the head, abdomen and the thorax region
Skeleton is absentPresence of exoskeleton
HermaphroditesPresence of different sexes, bisexuals present

Q16. What are the differences between amphibians and reptiles?


Listed below are the differences between amphibians and reptiles:

Skin is moist and softSkin is hardened
In water, they breathe through their skinThey can exist in water. They come to land to intake oxygen
Respire through lungs or gillsRespire through lungs
Capable of jumpingThey crawl
Indirect development is noticedDirect development observed

Q17. What are the differences between animals belonging to the Aves group and those in the mammalian group?


Listed below are the differences between animals belonging to the Aves group and the mammalian group:

Body is covered with feathersBody is covered with hairs
Teeth absentTeeth present
They possess a beakBeak absent
Forelimbs are present and modified to take a flightForelimbs are present and used for multiple activities
Bones are hollowBones are solid
Body is streamlinedStreamlining of the body is not observed (except for whales)

Class 9 Science Chapter 7 Exercise

Q1. What are the advantages of classifying organisms?


Listed below are the advantages of the classification of organisms:

  • When organisms are classified, their common features can easily be studied.
  • The study of scientific experiments is simplified.
  • The interrelation of humans with other entities can be interpreted. Their dependence and interactions can be studied.
  • When entities are crossbred and modified genetically, it paves the way for commercial applications.

Q2. How would you choose between two characteristics to be used for developing a hierarchy in classification?


The basis of the start of the hierarchy will be formed by the gross character, while the basis of further steps will be taken care of by the fine character.

For instance:

  • Human beings are categorised under vertebrates as they possess the vertebral column
  • For categorisation of tetrapods
  • For tetrapods, the existence of four limbs is taken into consideration
  • In the case of mammals, the mammary gland is the required part

Q3. Explain the basis for grouping organisms into five kingdoms.


The following factors govern the basis of grouping organisms into five kingdoms

  • The number of cells present forms the first criterion.
  • Next is the arrangement and the number of layers present.
  • Another important factor for classification is the existence of the cell wall.
  • Classification of complex organisms is also based on the mode of intake of nutrition.
  • To classify, we consider the organisation level too.

Q4. What are the major divisions in the Plantae? What is the basis of these divisions?


The following table depicts plant division and the basis of classification for each division.

DivisionBasis of Classification
Thallophyta or AlgaeLike body
BryophytaThe body is divided into leaf and stem
PteridophytaThe body is separated into root, stem and leaf
GymnospermSeed-bearing, naked seeds
AngiospermSeed bearings covered seeds

Q5. How are the criteria for deciding divisions in plants different from the criteria for deciding the subgroups among animals?


  • One of the major specifications to categorise plants into Thallophytes and Bryophytes is the basic cell structure.
  • Gymnosperms and Angiosperms are classified on the basis of the visibility of seeds.

Hence, morphological characteristics play a key role in plant classification. In animal classification, cytology is considered primarily as more minute structural variations are taken into account.

  • The cell layers, cytology, and morphology are significant features to be considered in the classification of animals.
  • The presence and absence of various features decide the classification of higher hierarchies.

Q6. Explain how animals in Vertebrata are classified into further subgroups.


Vertebrata has two subclasses, namely

  • Pisces
  • Tetrapod

Wherein organisms belonging to the Pisces subclass have streamlined bodies with tails and fins, which help them in their movement (swimming), whereas the Tetrapoda species have four limbs for their movement.

Furthermore, the Tetrapod animals are classified as:

1. Amphibia: The animals belonging to this group are adaptive in nature. They dwell both on the land as well as in water. They show the presence of specialised organs, which allows them to breathe underwater.

2. Reptilia: The animals belonging to this class crawl. Their skin is very thick and withstands extreme temperatures.

3. Aves: The forelimbs of these organisms are modified, which helps them in their flight. They lack teeth and instead have a beak and feathers that cover up their body.

4. Mammalia: The animals belonging to this group show nurturing skills as they contain mammary glands to support them. Their skin is covered with hair, and most of them are viviparous in nature.

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