NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Geography Social Science Chapter 5: Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Geography Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife is one of the important learning resources for students. Going through these solutions will help students to get better equipped to deliver their answers in the CBSE exam. Also, it helps them prepare more effectively for the exam. Here, we have provided the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Geography Chapter 5 Natural Vegetation and Wildlife. These solutions are created by subject experts for Class 9 students to understand the concepts and topics covered in the chapter well. Referring to these solutions with answers will help them to score good marks in the exam.

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Studies (Geography) Chapter 5 – Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

The Solutions for Chapter 5 of Geography are given below. Students should also check NCERT Solutions for Class 9 for other subjects.

Exercise Page No. 51

1. Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below:

(i) Which of the following types of vegetation does rubber belong to?

(a) Tundra, (b) Himalayan, (c) Tidal, (d) Tropical Evergreen

Answer: (d) Tropical Evergreen

(ii) Cinchona trees are found in areas of rainfall more than

(a) 100 cm, (b) 70 cm, (c) 50 cm, (d) less than 50 cm

Answer: (a) 100 cm

(iii) In which of the following state is the Simlipal bio-reserve located?

(a) Punjab, (b) Delhi, (c) Odisha, (d) West Bengal

Answer: (c) Odisha

(iv) Which one of the following bio-reserves of India is not included in the world network of bio reserves?

(a) Manas, (b) Gulf of Mannar, (c) Nilgiri, (d) Nanda Devi

Answer: (a) Manas

2. Answer the following questions briefly.

(i) What factors are responsible for the distribution of plants and animals in India?


Climatic conditions:

  1. Temperature
  2. Humidity
  3. Photoperiod
  4. Precipitation


  1. Land
  2. Soil

(ii) What is a bio-reserve? Give two examples.


Bio-reserves are protected areas. This is done to protect natural vegetation, wildlife and the environment.


  1. Sunderbans
  2. Gulf of Mannar

(iii) Name two animals having habitats in the tropical and montane types of vegetation.



Tiger, Elephant.


Snow Leopard

3. Distinguish between

(i) Flora and Fauna


The plant species of a particular region is called flora, and the animal species of a particular region is called fauna.

(ii) Tropical evergreen and deciduous forests


Tropical Evergreen Forests:

  1. They are called rainforests.
  2. No definite time for trees to shed leaves.
  3. Rainfall is more than 200 cm.

Tropical Deciduous Forests:

  1. They are called monsoon forests.
  2. Trees shed leaves for about six to eight weeks in the dry summer.
  3. The rainfall range is between 200 cm to 70 cm.

4. Name different types of vegetation found in India and describe the vegetation of high altitudes.


The different types of vegetation found in India are listed below:

  1. Tropical evergreen forests
  2. Tropical deciduous forests
  3. Tropical thorn forests and scrubs
  4. Montane forests
  5. Mangrove forests

The characteristics of vegetation in high altitudes are as follows:

  1. Alpine vegetation is found in altitudes above 3600 m.
  2. Trees in these areas are junipers, birches and pines.

5. Several species of plants and animals are endangered in India. Why?


The reasons are as follows:

  1. Increasing population
  2. Pollution
  3. Deforestation
  4. Hunting by poachers.

6. Why has India a rich heritage of flora and fauna?


  1. India is a country with diverse relief features
  2. Availability of different types of soil
  3. Variation in climatic conditions

Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Summary

Our country India is one of the 12 mega biodiversity countries of the world. With about 47,000 plant species, India occupies the tenth place in the world and fourth in Asia in plant diversity. The diverse wildlife and natural vegetation make India one of the richest countries in terms of flora and flora.

Students will study the climatic conditions of the different parts of the country. The term flora is used to denote plants of a particular region or period. Similarly, the species of animals are referred to as fauna. Other important features of the natural vegetation in the country are given below:

1. Relief: Land and Soil

2. Climate

  1. Temperature
  2. Photoperiod
  3. Precipitation

3. Types of Vegetation

  1. Tropical Evergreen Forests
  2. Tropical Deciduous Forests
  3. Tropical Thorn Forests and Scrubs
  4. Montane Forests
  5. Mangrove Forests

India has approximately 90,000 animal species. The country has about 2,000 species of birds, and they constitute 13% of the world’s total. There are 2,546 species of fish, which account for nearly 12% of the world’s stock. It also shares 5 to 8 per cent of the world’s amphibians, reptiles and mammals.

Apart from this chapter, the full set of NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science is given on the linked page.


Dropped Topics – Factors affecting the diversity of flora and fauna Fig 5.1 and Table 5.1.

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