CBSE Class 9 English Beehive Wind Poem Summary and Notes

Chapter 2 of the CBSE Class 9 English book ‘Beehive’ contains one poem named Wind. The poem is written by a great Tamil poet, Subramania Bharati. He is well known for his patriotism in the pre-Independence era. The poem is translated into English by A.K. Ramanujan. Here, we have provided a summary of the poem and also its detailed explanation for students’ easy understanding. They can refer to it anytime while studying. It will help them understand the meaning and provide them with the gist of the poem in the form of a summary. CBSE Class 9 English Beehive notes will also help students in their exam preparation during revision and save them time.

CBSE Class 9 English Beehive Wind Poem Summary

The poem is about Wind. as its name suggests. The poet has described the power of the wind and says that it causes a lot of destruction. But in the end, the poet has suggested the ways in which we can become friends with the wind. The poet represented the destructive nature of the wind with the difficulties of life. It conveys a powerful message that when difficulties come in our life, brave people face them with courage and overcome all the challenges. On the contrary, weak people get afraid and break down easily. So, it’s important that we should make these destructive forces friends and constructively use them to make ourselves stronger.

CBSE Class 9 English Beehive Wind Poem Explanation Notes

Students can have a look at the poem and its detailed explanation below.

Wind Poem and Explanation

Wind, come softly.

Don’t break the shutters of the windows.

Don’t scatter the papers.

Don’t throw down the books on the shelf.

There, look what you did — you threw them all down.

You tore the pages of the books.

You brought rain again.

You’re very clever at poking fun at weaklings.

Frail crumbling houses, crumbling doors, crumbling rafters,

crumbling wood, crumbling bodies, crumbling lives,

crumbling hearts —

the wind god winnows and crushes them all.

He won’t do what you tell him.

So, come, let’s build strong homes,

Let’s joint the doors firmly.

Practise to firm the body.

Make the heart steadfast.

Do this, and the wind will be friends with us.

The wind blows out weak fires.

He makes strong fires roar and flourish.

His friendship is good.

We praise him every day.


In this poem, the wind is personified. The poet is talking to the wind, and he tells it to come softly. Then he describes the destructive nature of the wind. He says that the wind blows so strongly that it breaks the shutters of the window and scatters the papers. It is so powerful that the books which were kept on the shelf have fallen. Then, he says to the wind, ‘look at the destruction that is caused by you’. You have thrown everyone down and disorganised everything. Owing to your force, the pages of the books have been torn down. You have brought the rain. Further, the poet says that the wind is very clever in making fun of those people who are weak. By this, the poet means that when a strong wind blows, all the things which are fragile, weak and feeble break easily. Initially, when the poet introduced the wind, then he compared its power with a small child; that’s why he asked the wind to come softly. But, later, the wind has become destructive like a youth, full of energy, violence and destruction.

Here, the poet says that the wind is so mighty that it is breaking everything that comes his way. He says that the weak houses are falling, the doors are breaking down, the beam which was supporting the roof of the building is falling, and all the things made of wood material are falling. Further, he says that people are unable to stand properly due to the heavy wind, and they are falling. All the living things which are weak are either breaking down or falling. The people are scared of the wind, and their hearts are beating at a faster rate.

The poet is addressing the wind as God. He has compared the people with wheat and says that as we winnow the wheat to separate the grain from the chaff, similarly, the Wind God separates the strong people from the weak people. Due to heavy and strong wind, all the weak things fall and get destroyed.

The poet goes on to say that the wind will not listen to us and do what we say. So, instead of instructing the wind, we should prepare ourselves. We should build strong homes and close the door tightly so that wind does not enter the home. We should make our bodies strong and our heart firm so that we can face these difficulties and overcome all the challenges. He says that by doing all these things, the wind will become friends with us. Here, the poet means that problems will come in our life; we should make ourselves strong enough to overcome them. Every hurdle in our life makes us stronger and helps us explore our inner strength.

The poet elaborates that the wind blows all the things which are weak. Only those things which are strong remain and flourish to become stronger. The friendship of the wind is good, and we should praise his friendship every day like a God. Here, the poet conveys a strong message that we should not cry or consider ourselves weak when problems arise in our life. Instead, we should see them as an opportunity to explore our ability and strength to face them with courage. These problems make us mentally and physically strong, and through them, we learn to overcome the hardship of life.

We hope the CBSE Class 9 English Beehive Wind Poem Summary and Notes must have helped students in their exam preparation. We have also provided an essay on women empowerment and essay on Independence Day to help students with essay-writing skills. They should go through it and practise essays on their own to score more marks in the English subject.

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